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How to automate with Wavely

Written by Baptiste Caroz
Updated over 10 months ago

Automation and notifications about the life of your SIM cards.

Verify IMEI


Detect that a SIM card has been moved from its original device and block it or get notified.

How it works

  1. Create a "verify IMEI" trigger --> the IMEI of the current device being used is stored as the "first IMEI" and a notification is sent including the ICC and the IMEI.

  2. When the SIM card is moved to another device --> The platform detects it and takes the chosen actions automatically:

    • trigger a notification to the API of your choice.

    • block the SIM from being used or reset the connection.

You may choose to apply this trigger only once or check on a regular basis with a time interval ranging from 1 minute to 2 weeks.

API notification examples

First IMEI:

{ "icc": "89454200000145194370", "imei": "354051421033494" }

Suspend upon IMEI change:

{ "simCardAction": "SUSPEND", "icc": "89454200000145194370", "imei": "350629642213435" }

Data usage


Detect that the SIM card has reached a pre-defined threshold of data usage within a specified period of time.

How it works

1 - Create a "data usage" trigger:

  • set the data limit volume usage

  • pick the period that this data limit shall be applied to (this is a sliding window where the data usage is checked).

  • You may choose to apply this trigger only once or check on a regular basis with a time interval ranging from 1 minute to 2 weeks.

2 - When a SIM card reaches the defined limit, --> The platform detects it and takes the chosen actions automatically:

  • trigger a notification to the API of your choice.

  • block the SIM from being used or reset the connection.

3 - API notification content example:

{  "dataUsageEndDate": null,  "simCardAction": null,  "icc": "894542842000100xxxxx",  "dataUsageThresholdBytes": 10485760}

Other triggers available:

State change

Data session

How to create a trigger

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